Investing is Risky. So is Life. Get over it.

Investing is Risky.  So is Life.  Get over it.

We spend our lives with risk.

There is everyday risk like driving to and from work, school, or some event with our spouse. At any moment, we put ourselves on the road with other people who may or may not be in full control of themselves whether it be from alcohol, lack of sleep, or relationship induced stress. Some of these people are just plain morons who should not be allowed to drive - but they're given a license anyway and we willingly chose to get on the road with them.

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The Attack of the Side Hustle!

The Attack of the Side Hustle!

When I purchased my first commercial building, I was a property manager. Therefore, it was natural for me to accept the same role for our investing group. It dove-tailed nicely into my day-to-day routine. I could field calls throughout the day for my own property as well as from the portfolio I managed. Everything rolled together well. It was a comfortable fit.

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What Is Community Oriented Policing?

What Is Community Oriented Policing?

August 1st is National Night Out, an annual opportunity to promote building partnerships between communities and their police departments along with fostering neighborhood camaraderie.

It’s also an occasion to look at how we can make our neighborhoods a safer place. As such, I thought I’d take a moment to highlight an organization in my community that is tasked with just such a mission.

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