Tired of being on the treadmill of work? Me, too.
Do you want to live differently than those around you? Me, too.
Let’s do something about it.
In mid-March, I wrote about testing some concepts of Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek. I’d experimented with some of them for one week and wanted to share what I had found. The article was full of optimism and excitement.
My dad turned me on to Travis McGee when I was in the Army. This was probably natural since he discovered McGee while he was in the Navy during the Viet Nam war.
It’s been four weeks since I first listened to and then read Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Workweek. Since I detailed my results after the first seven days, I figured an update after a month might be in order.
The previous weekend, my girlfriend and I listened to an audio book of The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. I’d seen the title when browsing my favorite book stores but always brushed it off as some sort of hokum.
I was full of excitement after reading T4HWW and I made some immediate changes to my life. These changes included: