Getting Knocked Out Financially is Easier Than You Think

Getting Knocked Out Financially is Easier Than You Think

In my late twenties, I had personal debt that soared to over $32,000. To ease the burden of various monthly payments, that debt was rolled into a second mortgage. As things happen, I ended up divorced (my first). As part of the settlement, that second mortgage became my responsibility. I’m not bitter nor blaming anyone. It’s the way life goes and how I ended up where I am today.

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Is it Time to Up Your Game?

Is it Time to Up Your Game?

I stumbled across Grant Cardone on YouTube. Cardone is a motivational trainer and a real estate advisor. I don’t remember what topic I was researching when I first discovered him but there was a video for Cardone, so I clicked it. The guy was full of energy and charisma. I liked his message and filed away the name.

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Are You Building Your Habits by Feel?

Are You Building Your Habits by Feel?

I’ve been reading about habits lately and will soon share my thoughts on a couple fantastic books. First, Rich Habits by Thomas C. Corley is a quick, easy read and can be knocked out in an afternoon. The second, The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg is a more in-depth study of habits. I read it two years ago and felt a need to re-read it again due to my experience with The Bumbling Millionaire.

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When the Student is Ready

When the Student is Ready

My girlfriend is smart. I’d like to say she’s smart for being my girlfriend, but it’s the other way around. I out-kicked my coverage when I met her. She’s very bright and will engage in conversations on a variety of subjects. If she’s not well-versed on the subject matter, she won’t fake it, but she will listen intently and try to provide feedback where valuable.

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