Why You Shouldn't Buy Your Forever Home

Why You Shouldn't Buy Your Forever Home

Recently, I overheard some friends talking about buying a new, bigger house. The housing market is hot and many people think they need to get in on the action. Perhaps it’s the fear of missing out (FOMO) that’s got so many people acting like ding-dongs when it comes to buying their next house, or they’re caught up in the latest trend.

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Why Do People Hate Sales?

Why Do People Hate Sales?

I recently watched a video from Chris Ducker on how to not sound like a sleazy salesman in your blog content. Chris then made the audacious claim that content marketers are worth more than a salesperson. While the actual content of that video was very good, the video's hook grated me due to the characterization of salespeople.

You see, we’re an easy target.

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